28th Australian National Model A Ford Meet

“A” Rally through the Cane Fields
Maryborough Queensland
Sunday 1st – Sunday 8th September, 2024
Hosted by the Model A Ford Club of QLD

Newsletter #7 15/05/2024

Good Morning All

We are about to enter the last three months before the National so you will probably hear from me a little more often as we address issues of importance, or just a bit more information such as the following.


We have been contacted by Ken Ashford about the Father’s Day special train ride. Apparently, some entrants have already contacted Ken about bookings, but unfortunately in the process of installing a new computer he lost the contact details, so now has no idea who has booked. If you contacted Ken, could you please let me know so I can arrange to have your booking reinstated.


We have many Order Forms that have not indicated their attendance at the Farewell Breakfast, so can you please check your order and let me know if you are coming if not already done so. We need numbers for the Caterer and the last thing we don’t want is to run out.

L NAT 28

On the 4/5 we received into our Bank Account a payment from L NAT 28 but have not had any paperwork so can’t allocate the payment. If you identify with this, please let us know and send your Registration & Order forms in ASAP.


We still have several Order Forms outstanding and would very much appreciate receiving them ASAP. This matter is now getting urgent as we need to start confirming numbers etc. with Caterers and other Service providers beginning in June, but before then we must check and sort our own files which all takes time.

Have attached the Order Form just in case you need it.

Look forward to seeing everyone in September.

Les Dunstan


28th National Model A Ford Meet



Entry Form

Newsletter #1

Newsletter #2

Newsletter #3

Accommodation List Maryborough

Caravan & Camping Accommodation List Maryborough

History of Maryborough

Follow the 2024 National Meet in Maryborough on Facebook

Information about the 2024 National Meet in Maryborough at the Web Site