History of the Model A Ford Club of NSW Inc.
In January 1970 an advertisement appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald inviting those interested in Model A Fords to meet in Centennial Park. From this initial meeting with 13 people and families, a series of get togethers were held over the following 9 months. On 6th November, 1970, the Inaugural Meeting and Dinner of the Model A Ford Club of NSW was held at the High Club, York Street, Sydney. The meeting and dinner were conducted with 24 people in attendance. At this inaugural meeting the constitution of the club was voted on and adopted.
The club is organised to preserve and celebrate the Model A Ford. It does this by promoting the maintenance of original cars, restoration of cars and the use and driving of vehicles through club activities.

The club holds monthly outings and social events, visiting places of interest and various picnic spots in and around the greater Sydney area and the Newcastle and Central Coast areas.

Technically the Model A Ford Club of NSW offers advice through long term Model A enthusiasts.
You don’t need to have a Model A Ford to become a member, having an interest in this vehicle is more than enough.

There are many benefits in becoming a member of our Club:
- Monthly club meetings to learn more about your hobby, and the vintage car movement in general.
- Monthly club outings to varied places of interest, or just somewhere to socialise and enjoy the company of new friends. Usually the third Sunday of each month in the Sydney area and the last Sunday of each month in the Newcastle and Central Coast areas.
- A Library containing many technical books pertaining to the maintenance and restoration of the Model A. Members may borrow books and videos for short periods for reference purposes.
- Monthly club newsletter, to keep all members informed of major events and happenings affecting our club, and the vintage car movement.
- Invitation runs and displays with other car clubs.
- Conditional registration for club members for all official club events.
- Most importantly of all, a place where the whole family can be together and enjoy their vehicle, and be with other enthusiasts.

The Club meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Friday of the month, at Holroyd Community Centre, Miller Street, Merrylands. Parking off Newman Street in the Council Car Park.
Refer to schedule of fees form on the Membership page. The Joining Fee is a once only charge to cover the cost of name badges. Membership is due for renewal in November.