28th Australian National Model A Ford Meet
“A” Rally through the Cane Fields
Maryborough Queensland
Sunday 1st – Sunday 8th September, 2024
Hosted by the Model A Ford Club of QLD
Newsletter #9 15/07/2024
Hi All
We are now in the final stages of preparation and thought a quick update would be appropriate.
One of the things we did out of interest was to look at some of the stats (see below) associated with running a National. They make for interesting reading and are a timely reminder of why National Meets take so much organizing.
148 Entrants totaling 272 people
136 Model A Vehicles – 46x 1928, 26x 1929, 50x 1930, & 14x 1931
788 National Meets attended by All Entrants
1600 Meals booked by Entrants
600 Tour bookings by Entrants
140 Rally shirts ordered
All bookings have been confirmed and we are in the process of making payments to all providers. Consequently, you should be aware that any cancellation from this point may result in a loss of funds paid, as most have a very restrictive cancellation policy. We will do our best to secure a refund but can’t provide any guarantees.
We really want to emphasize the best way to get to the Showground and again attach instructions detailing the use the rear entry point. This is your best option as the main entry is off the Bruce Highway which is a very busy road which is best left to the trucks.
Cheers and see you in September.
Les Dunstan
28th National Model A Meet
Newsletter #8 07/06/2024
Hi All
We are pleased to provide another information update on the National which is now only 85 days away.
Firstly, there is the Hubley races for which we have a reasonable number of entrants. However, we are hoping that when you read the attached competition notice you will get busy and clean up the other one or two you have on your shelf, or better still the one you have not registered. This will be a fun event which we are sure you will enjoy.
The other attachments detail the Photographic & Fashions Competitions which will run for the duration of the Rally, so dig out all that old stuff from wherever you can and make the week something to remember.
My final request for this newsletter is about the Farewell Breakfast. We have raised the matter of registration in two previous newsletters, but we still have a number that we think would want to come but have not indicted their attendance. We have external caterers for this event and will be providing them with numbers prior to the rally. If you have indicated on your order form or have subsequently confirmed your attendance no action is required, but if not please let me know, as tickets to the Breakfast will be included, for those confirmed, in rally lanyards, and you must have a ticket to present at the Breakfast Bar. Just because there is no charge for Breakfast does not mean you can just turn up without registering.
We live by the code “Happiness is a day in your Model A” so travel safe and see you in September.
Les Dunstan
28th National Model A Meet
Newsletter #7 15/05/2024
Good Morning All
We are about to enter the last three months before the National so you will probably hear from me a little more often as we address issues of importance, or just a bit more information such as the following.
We have been contacted by Ken Ashford about the Father’s Day special train ride. Apparently, some entrants have already contacted Ken about bookings, but unfortunately in the process of installing a new computer he lost the contact details, so now has no idea who has booked. If you contacted Ken, could you please let me know so I can arrange to have your booking reinstated.
We have many Order Forms that have not indicated their attendance at the Farewell Breakfast, so can you please check your order and let me know if you are coming if not already done so. We need numbers for the Caterer and the last thing we don’t want is to run out.
L NAT 28
On the 4/5 we received into our Bank Account a payment from L NAT 28 but have not had any paperwork so can’t allocate the payment. If you identify with this, please let us know and send your Registration & Order forms in ASAP.
We still have several Order Forms outstanding and would very much appreciate receiving them ASAP. This matter is now getting urgent as we need to start confirming numbers etc. with Caterers and other Service providers beginning in June, but before then we must check and sort our own files which all takes time.
Have attached the Order Form just in case you need it.
Look forward to seeing everyone in September.
Les Dunstan
28th National Model A Ford Meet
Accommodation List Maryborough
Caravan & Camping Accommodation List Maryborough
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Information about the 2024 National Meet in Maryborough at the Web Site